1.What is CSF My Account?
My Account for CSF's individual members is your means of accessing a number of member services and information.
The platform allows you to maintain your personalized information in the following ways:
a secure ‘chat room’ for pre-agreed sub-sets of members to collaborate on securitization matters privately
personal profile maintenance
advertising and classifieds (e.g. jobs/services sought/offered)
conference and events
training and professional development
Following CSF confirmation of your membership status, CSF provides My Account credentials to you to access the above. My Account is available for every individual member.
Some basic functionality to get you started:
manage and update your registered information
choose to share your name, photo, resume, company, job title, CSF title and other information
interact with any CSF Member Committees (i.e. Asset Class Committees and Subject Matter Committees) in which you are a participant
initiate or participate in discussions established within the CSF member portal
interoperability with CSF's WeChat
manage training and conference registrations (includes making meeting arrangements for during conferences).
2.How to identify CSF Board Directors; Executive Committee; Standing Committees; Secretariat; and, chairs of Member Committees?
CSF has formed an Executive Committee, Nominating Committee and Secretariat. Considerable information is already available on CSF's official website with dedicated pages. Board of Directors and Standing Committee are under construction now. The chair/s and members of CSF Standing Committee will be designated by the CSF Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
According to the interest registered by institutional CSF members - and following consultation with the CSF Nominating Committee - different institutional members' representatives will form into different election divisions in order to elect Rotating Director on the CSF Board of Directors as well as chair/s of Member Committees. The nominating process will conclude following the 31st January, 2016 deadline for applications.
CSF encourages Chinese and overseas securitization experts to seek membership, including chairing roles, of its Committees.
All the membership lists of CSF Board of Directors, Standing Committee and the chair/s lists of Member Committee will be published on both CSF official website and individual member's accounts.
3.What is the main function of CSF's Working Platform?
CSF's Work Platform is our ‘one-member-to-many-members’ communication platform. It facilitates communication among members of our Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretariat and Member Committees (i.e. Asset Class Committee and Subject Matter Committee). It facilities discussion as well as workflow for the respective parts of CSF’s activities, of both internal and subject matter.
4.How to instigate a Notice Publishing or Discussion on CSF's Working Platform?
After logging in to My Account, select "CSF's Working Platform", then choose "Notice Publishing" or " Topics Discussion" and, as necessary, the Committee concerned from committees list on the left.
You may only send notices or discuss topics with Committees for which you have been granted authorized access. (i.e. Committees with icons that not grey and available to you).
General individual member is only allowed to send messages to his/her own committee's chair/s and other professional members provided the chair/s' assistant; CSF Editorial Review Committee members; or, CSF Secretariat staff has provided the necessary authorizations from the chair/s for the member concerned. Pending authorization, unauthorized messages will be assessed by authorized staff and officials before forwarding to a Committee.
5.How to reply to content within the CSF's Working Platform?
Activity notifications, discussion topics and other content from your Committees appear in your inbox, " CSF'S WORKING PLATFORM".
You can join discussions simply by replying to a message.
To promote high-quality discussion, we expect the following standards:
General individual member is only allowed to reply to messages to his/her own committee chair/s and other professional members provided the chair/s' assistant; CSF Editorial Committee members; or, CSF Secretariat staff has provided the necessary authorizations from the chair/s for the member concerned. Pending authorization, unauthorized messages will be assessed by authorized staff and officials before forwarding to a Committee.
Members of CSF's Board, Executive Committee, Standing Committee and Secretariat can send messages to all members in their own committee. Messages sent to members not among their committee membership but from one of the other committees listed above, may only be received by chair/s and other designed members of that committee.
To ensure members receive working papers securely and in time for Committees, controlled information flow takes place across the "CSF'S WORKING PLATFORM".
Alerts will be sent to members’ registered e-mail address advising them that further discussion or information is available on the CSF's Working Platform, and append the information to the alert. In "SETTINGS & FAQ", you may opt-out of automatic notifications to external e-mail address should you only wish to access content from directly within the CSF's Working Platform.
One-member-to-one-member communication is not associated with your registered e-mail address in order to safeguard data and privacy.
6.How to register as a CSF's individual member?
Navigate to CSF's official website (www.chinasecuritization.org). Click "LOGIN" in the top right corner of the home page, allow a pop-up page then populate on the left ''Create Account'' column.
CSF approval will now be queued. Once approved, the individual member will receive a letter conferring CSF membership at the e-mail address supplied during registration.
7.How to access My Account?
After receiving membership confirmation, log in at www.chinasecuritization.org. "LOGIN" is in the top right corner of the home page, and you should enter your credentials then (allow pop-ups in your browser for this purpose).
8.How to change my personal information?
Select "PROFILE" then "Edit" in "CONTACT DETAILS & PROFILE PICTURE" to edit your personal information. Greyed-out/dimmed items cannot be changed by the account holder.
9.How to become an issuer/investor?
After logging in to My Account, you can choose the "PROFILE", then click "EDIT" in the "THE BASIS FOR APPROVING INDIVIDUAL MEMBER'S FUNCTION CLASSIFICATION". Accept the terms of "The Basis for Approving Individual Member Function Classification (Mandatory for issuers and investors)" in the pop-up page. Please then simply follow the prompts to submit relevant materials, and subscribe to related information in the text-box and click "Save". Once approved by CSF, you can alter your individual member classification.
10.How to change your Member Committee?
After logging in to My Account, navigate to “PROFILE" tab, then click "EDIT" within "OTHER CHOICES" to alter.
11.How to invite other CSF's individual members to be part of your network?
After logging in to My Account, you can click the "COMMITTEES" tab, choose one committee from "Please choose a committee" drop-down list to check the information of relevant members who have agreed to the disclosure. If you want to add him/her as your friend, please click "
" icon in the right "ACTION" column of "MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES" list box to invite him/her as your friend. Once agreed, you can be friends.
12.How to send internal messages to my friend?
After logging in to My Account, you can click the "MESSAGES" tab, then click the "COMPOSE" tab, you may send internal messages to your friends from the friend list on the right side of the new page. You can also manage messages you received and sent in the "MESSAGES" page.
13.How to review friend request from other members?
After clicking the "COMMITTEES" tab, click the " UNCONFIRMED INVITATIONS" tab in the lower left, then the page will display pending friend requests from other members. Or click the friend request reminding icon "
" to review the invitation in the upper left of the page.
14.How to delete confirmed friends??
Click the "CONTACTS" tab, find the friend that you want to delete by filtering or searching the friend list on the bottom, then click "
" icon to delete contacts.
15.How to check my friends in category?
Click the "CONTACTS" tab, filter members' categories by conditions (e.g. individual members' function classification, institution classification ), the member list below will display qualified members automatically.
16.How to check committees that other individual members participated in?
Click the "COMMITTEES" tab, choose the committee you want to know from the "Please choose a committee" drop-down list, the content list below will display all the members who have agreed to the disclosure of the chosen committee automatically. The content list could also arrange the members in alphabetic order.
17.How to check the information about conferences or training programs?
After logging in to My Account, you can click the "CONFERENCES AND TRAININGS" tab and the page will list recent conferences and training programs. You can click “REGISTRATION”, “REGISTRATED”, “AGENDA” button to learn basic information about every program in details.
18.How to check members that have registered to participate in 2016 CSF Annual Conference?
After logging in to My Account, you can click the "CONFERENCES & TRAININGS" tab, then click the “REGISTERED” tab and you can check registered members by filtered conditions. You can also send friend requests to members from the right list. According to the industry practice, the list of " REGISTERED DELEGATE " will be public in a certain time before the annual conference take place to guarantee the accuracy of participants' list.
19.Why do I receive e-mails containing valuable industry promotion information sent by CSF?
The CSF Secretariat may sometimes send e-mails containing valuable industry promotion information to your registered e-mail address. If you don’t want to be disturbed by it, you may turn off this setting in “SETTINGS & FAQ” column.
20.How can I obtain the individual members list and the institutional members list?
After Logging in to My Account, you can click the “INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS” tab to view all the personal information which the members are willing to share. Click on a particular member and you can a view the member's profile. Click the “INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERS ” tab and you can view the information concerning the institutional members .
21.What if I forget my password of My Account?
Log in the CSF's official website (www.chinasecuritization.org), click the “LOGIN” link in the top right corner of the home page. Click the “Forget Password?” button below “Account Login” on the right side in the new page and jump to another page. After enter your e-mail address into the textbox below, an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail box.
22.How do I change or reset my password of My Account?
After Logging in to My Account, you can click “SETTINGS & FAQ” column and then click the “PRIVACE SETTING” tab. In the new page, you should type your new password according to instructions and click on “Save” button.
23.How to make privacy setting?
After Logging in to My Account, you can click “SETTINGS & FAQ” column and then click the “PRIVACY SETTING” tab. In this way you can choose whether or not
(1) allow other members of CSF to send friend requests to me ;
(2) allow friends to send me internal messages in order to establish one member to one member communication in the platform. The one member to one member internal message does not link to your registered e-mail address now in order to prevent disturbance;
(3) allow CSF Secretariat to send valuable industry information in the Marketing column to my registered e-mail;
(4) allow any controlled notice and discussion information from CSF Working Platform to be linked to my registered e-mail box in order to establish one member to many members communication in the platform;
(5) allow CSF's Working Platform to publicize my name, photo, company, company title, CSF title, membership classification in the platform among the members. (CSF ensures to keep members' other registered personal information strictly private and confidential at any circumstances)
24.How to view promotion information published by the forum?
After Logging in My Account, you can click the “MARKETING” column and get access to the promotion information published by the forum, including the latest information about conferences and trainings organized by the CSF or strategic partners.